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School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences

School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences

Dan Canfield, Jr.

Professor, Limnology

Dan Canfield is a professor of Limnology and his specialty is applied research that directly relates to the management of aquatic ecosystems. Among his many achievements in this area is the TEAM (Together for Environmental Assessment and Management) approach — a process for developing effective lake management plans or water resource policy.  TEAM brings professional water managers, scientists, government and citizens together with the ultimate objective of developing water management goals and plans that everyone can live with.

Dan is the founder of Florida LAKEWATCH, a statewide citizen-volunteer water quality monitoring program now being emulated across the United States and internationally. He also is one of the founders of the Fishing For Success program, which received a national award in 2003 and the Albert “Ray” Massey Award for Citizen Volunteers from the City of Gainesville for 2005. Among other lake management activities, he currently serves as the Univ. of Florida member on the Technical Advisory Group for the Harris Chain of Lakes Restoration Council.

He has served as president of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) and is a recipient of its prestigious Secchi Disk Award for his many contributions to the management of America’s lakes. The Florida Lake Management Society has also honored him with the Ed Deevey Jr. Award in “recognition of contributing to our scientific understanding of Florida’s water bodies.”

Courses Taught

IdentifierCourse Name
FAS 4305C  Introduction to Fishery Science 
FAS6932  Fish and Limnology 
FAS6932  Fish and Water Quality 


7922 NW 71st Street, PO Box 110600
Gainesville, FL 32653
(352) 273-3620

  • Education

    • PhD, Zoology (Limnology) Iowa State, 1979
    • MS, Zoology (Limnology), Iowa State, 1976
    • BS, Biology, Bates College, 1973