This minor is for students who want a general introduction to natural resource management. The minor is ideal for students majoring in a related field such as wildlife ecology, soil and water science, environmental science, etc., as well as students who are interested in the social aspects of natural resources (students majoring in business, education, food and resource economics, political science, etc). Minor Course Requirements Course Term Credits Suggested Prerequisite Courses FNR3131C Dendrology/Forest Plants Fall 3 General biology or botany (BSC205, BSC2010, BOT2010, etc.) FNR3410C Natural Resource Sampling Fall 3 Introductory statistics(STA2023, STA2122, etc.) FOR3162 Silviculture Spring 4 General ecology (FOR3153C, PCB3034C, etc.) FOR4621 Forest Economics & Management Fall 4 FOR3162C Silviculture, Microeconomics (ECO2023, AEB3103, etc.) FOR#### any additional FOR course Varies Varies Discuss prerequisite courses with course’s instructor, or with the SFRC Student Services Office