Jiangxiao Qiu
Assistant Professor, Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Service
Jiangxiao Qiu jointed the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences in 2017. He is primarily interested in landscape ecology, ecosystem ecology, global change ecology, conservation biology, and sustainability science. Previously, he has worked in the agricultural landscapes in the Midwest, and currently he also becomes interested in the sustainability and resilience of coastal ecosystem services in a changing climate such as sea level rise.
Research Interests
Jiangxiao's overarching research goal is to understand and predict how global environmental changes alter ecosystems and biodiversity at regional to global scales, and their consequences for a range of ecosystem services (benefits people obtain from nature such as food, water, climate and flood regulation, erosion control, and recreation) that underpins human well-being. His research takes an interdisciplinary approach integrating field observation and experiment, biophysical simulation models, remote sensing, landscape analysis, data synthesis, and social sciences to address basic and applied research questions across a range of spatial and temporal scales.
- PhD, Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016
- MS, Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
- BS, Geography, Northwest University, 2007
- Qiu, J., Turner, M.G. 2013. Spatial interactions among ecosystem services in an urbanizing agricultural watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110 (29): 12149-12154.
- Qiu, J. 2015. A global synthesis of the effects of biological invasions on greenhouse gas emissions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (11): 1351-1362
- Qiu, J., Turner, M.G. 2015. Importance of landscape heterogeneity in sustaining hydrologic ecosystem services in an agricultural watershed. Ecosphere 6 (11): 1-19.
- Zipper, S.*, Qiu, J.*, Kucharik, C.J. 2016. Drought effects on US maize and soybean production: spatial-temporal patterns and historical changes. *share first authorship. Environmental Research Letters 11: 094021.
- Rose, K.C., Graves, R.A., Hansen, W.H., Harvey, B.J., Qiu, J., Wood, S., Ziter, C., Turner, M.G. 2016. Historical foundations and future directions in macroecosystems ecology. Ecology Letters 20: 147-157.
- Usinowicz, J., Qiu, J., Kamarainen, A. 2016. Flashiness and flooding of two lakes in the Midwest during a century of urbanization and climate change. Ecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s10021-016-0042-7
- Booth, E.G., Qiu, J., Carpenter, S.R., Schatz, J., Chen, X., Kucharik, C.J., Loheide, S., Motew, M.M., Seifert, J.M., Turner, M.G. 2016. From qualitative to quantitative environmental scenarios: Translating storylines into biophysical modeling inputs at the watershed scale. Environmental Modelling & Software 85: 80-97.
- Qiu, J., Wardropper, C.B., Rissman, A.R., Turner, M.G. 2017. Spatial fit between water quality policies and hydrologic ecosystem services in an urbanizing agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology 32: 59-75.
- Qiu, J., Turner, M.G. 2017. Effects of non-native Asian earthworm invasion on temperate forest and prairie soils in the Midwestern US. Biological Invasions 19: 73-88.