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School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences

School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences

Kotryna Klizentyte

Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Economics and Policy

Kotryna Klizentyte’s research and teaching efforts relate to her interests in using economic valuation to inform natural resource policy and management decisions. She has looked at various natural resource issues through research in various contexts including forests, fisheries, working lands, and outdoor recreation areas.

Kotryna uses economic theory, methodologies like stated and revealed preference models, and even social science theory to answer complex socio-economic questions. The research questions that drive her work ask how agencies and policymakers can create economically efficient and sustainable policies that improve ecosystem services and social well-being.

Her work has been published in a range of interdisciplinary and social science journals, like Society and Natural Resources, Ocean and Coastal Management, Land Use Policy, and the Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Kotryna’s current research examines the economic value of coastal restoration areas, economic tradeoffs related to seasonal marine closures, policy framing effects on public audiences, and how land use change impacts ecosystem service values.

Courses Taught

Identifier Course Name
FNR4660 Natural Resource Economics and Policy
FNR6669 Policy and Economics of Natural Resources
FOR2662 Forests for the Future
FNR5625 Public Lands and Waters
  • Research Interests
    • Socio-economic impact assessments
    • Economic approaches to natural resource management
    • Public preferences and policy engagement
    • Land use change and ecosystem service values


357 Newins-Ziegler Hall, PO Box 110410
Gainesville FL 32611-0410

  • Education
    • B.Sc. Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida
    • M.Sc. Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida
    • Ph.D., Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida
  • Publications

    Link to Google Scholar