The Forest Biology Research Cooperative (FBRC) is an integrated program dedicated to optimizing the productivity, health, and sustainability of intensively-managed Southern pine forest ecosystems.
Founded in 1996 (and part of the University of Florida's School of Forest Resources and Conservation), FBRC works with its members to develop and synthesize research into advanced forest management systems for the 21st century.
Specifically, the FBRC's mission and primary focus is on the use of integrated, applied, and intensively-studied field experiments designed to understand interactions and dynamics of genetics, pest management, silviculture, ecophysiology, nutrition, and soils. Supportive laboratory and greenhouse studies - along with existing field studies - are also used to achieve the mission.
Use this website to learn more about FBRC, including how you can get involved and support program endeavors.
About FBRC
Rationale for an Integrated, Multi-Disciplinary Cooperative
Modern, site-specific pine plantation management requires knowledge about the interactive effects of silviculture, genetics, nutrition, soils, pests, and pathogens.
Single-discipline, empirical studies aimed at one or a few factors are inefficient (and often ineffective) in furthering knowledge of these integrated dynamics. Integrated, long-term field studies - employing scientists from many disciplines - are imperative for the development of an understanding of the complex dynamics which underlie sustainable production.
- Executive Overview
Current Research
Current FBRC Research
FBRC Photo Gallery
Note: Images were captured prior to national guidelines of face coverings and social distancing
FBRC Cooperators
Industrial cooperators and institutions support the FBRC through salary and institutional support, annual monetary dues, and in-kind contributions in the form of field study installation and maintenance. Most importantly, the cooperators guide FBRC research programs and help to place research within an applied context.
If you are interested in becoming a cooperator with FBRC, please get in touch using the contact information on this website.
Full Members
- ArborGen
- Rayonier
- University of Florida - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)
- USDA Forest Service - Southern Research Station
- Weyerhaeuser
Contributing Members
Membership Information
FBRC Membership Information
There are two types of membership: Full and Contributing. FBRC membership categories are currently being reconfigured. For more information on our new membership categories, and to learn how FBRC membership might benefit your organization, please get in touch using the contact information on this website.
FBRC Scientists
The FBRC team is comprised of scientists specializing in genetics, silviculture, physiology, forest soils, pathology, and biometrics. These professionals collaborate with each other and with our cooperators to plan and carry out multi-disciplinary research projects.
Tim Martin
Co-DirectorForest tree physiology, stand dynamics
Gary Peter
Co-DirectorForest genomics, molecular biology. and wood quality
Tania Quesada
Program Manager and Research Assistant ScientistMolecular genetics, genomics, disease resistance
Forest nutrition and nutrient cycling, forest carbon allocation, and root processes
Forest dynamics, production ecology, forest health
Forest entomology
Forest pathology
FBRC Graduate Students
Name Degree Year Graduated Research Praveen Subedi Ph.D. 2019 Above and belowground carbon and nutrient dynamics Priscilla Someda M.S. 2019 Incorporating genetics into slash pine growth and yield models Julio Tobar M.S. 2015 Incorporating weather into growth and yield models Chelsea Drum Ph.D. 2015 Soil carbon dynamics Maxwell Wightman M.S. 2014 Loblolly pine water relations in throughfall diversion treatments Angelica Garcia M.S. 2013 Biomass allocation in contrasting loblolly pine clones Praveen Subedi M.S. 2013 Carryover effects in loblolly pine Brian Roth Ph.D. 2010 Growth efficiency of intensively managed loblolly pine families Ethan Sadowski M.S. 2010 Effects of forest management on litter decompostion among selected loblolly Pine
(Pinus taeda L.) famlies in Northern FloridaCarlos Gonzalez Ph.D. 2009 Multi-scale water relations in southern pines Xiaobo Li Ph.D. 2009 Wood properties of improved loblolly pine in the Southeast United States Deoyani Sarkhot Ph.D. 2007 Soil organic C, SON and SOP in sandy soils as affected by intensive loblolly pine management in the Southeast United States Liliana Parisi M.S. 2006 Shoot elongation patterns and genetic control of height growth in Pinus taeda L. using clonally replicated trials Gogce Kayihan Ph.D. 2006 Molecular and quantitative genetics of disease resistance Veronica Emhart Ph.D. 2005 Physiological genetics of contrasting loblolly / slash pine families and clones Brian Baltunis Ph.D. 2005 Genetic effects of rooting ability and early growth traits in loblolly pine clones Douglas Shoemaker M.S. 2005 Remote sensing and simulation to estimate forest productivity in southern pine plantations Corey Stover M.S. 2005 A physiological and morphological analysis of the effects of nitrogen supply on the relative growth rates of nine loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) clones Maheteme Gebremedhin M.S. 2003 Clonal variation in morphology, water relations and gas exchange parameters in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) rooted cuttings Luis Suau MFRC 2002 Aboveground nitrogen accumulation in loblolly pine stands under varying management intensity Rob McGarvey M.S. 2000 A multi-scale comparison of photosynthetic capacity in fast and slow-growing families of Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda Yu Xiao Ph.D. 2000 Relationship between nutritional traits and early growth strategies of slash and loblolly pine and their F1 hybrids Javier Lopez-Upton Ph.D. 1999 Early growth, cold hardiness, and pest resistance of loblolly pine, slash pine, and some pine hybrids Karina Peres Gramacho Ph.D. 1999 Disease resistance and pathogenic variability in the fusiform rust-slash pine pathosystem
Contact Us
You may contact FBRC personnel directly using the information below. Our central fax number is: (352) 846-1277. Alternatively, you may wish to send correspondence via U.S. mail and/or parcel delivery to the following mailing address:
University of Florida - Forest Biology Research Cooperative
P.O. Box 110410
Gainesville, FL 32611-0410
Tim Martin | Co-Director, FBRC
Phone: (352) 846-0866
Tania Quesada | Program Coordinator, FBRC
Phone: (352) 846-0870