University of Florida Ecohydrology Lab

University of Florida Ecohydrology Lab

Ecohydrology Lab Publications


Winter, C., J.W. Jawitz, P. Ebeling, M.J. Cohen, and A. Musolff. In press. Divergence between long-term and event-scale nitrate export patterns. Geophysical Research Letters.

Shin, Y., J.W. Jawitz, and M.J. Cohen. In press. Energy inputs imprint seasonality and fractal structure on river metabolic regimes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Klammler, H., J.W. Jawitz, and M.J. Cohen. In press. A Simple Model of Flow Reversals in Florida's Karst Springs. Water Resources Research.


Lee, E., Sadeghi, S.M.M., Deljouei, A. and Cohen, M.J., 2023. A multi-decadal national scale assessment of reference evapotranspiration methods in continental and temperate climate zones of South Korea. Journal of Hydrology, 625, p.130021.

Lee, E., Epstein, J.M. and Cohen, M.J., 2023. Patterns of Wetland Hydrologic Connectivity Across Coastal-Plain Wetlandscapes. Water Resources Research, 59(8), p.e2023WR034553.

Julian, P., Schafer, T., Cohen, M.J., Jones, P. and Osborne, T.Z., 2023. Changes in the spatial distribution of total phosphorus in sediment and water column of a shallow subtropical lake. Lake and Reservoir Management, 39(3), pp.213-230.

Blaszczak, J.R., Koenig, L.E., Mejia, F.H., Gómez‐Gener, L., Dutton, C.L., Carter, A.M., Grimm, N.B., Harvey, J.W., Helton, A.M. and Cohen, M.J., 2022. Extent, patterns, and drivers of hypoxia in the world's streams and rivers. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 8(3).

Dong, X., Martin, J.B., Cohen, M.J. and Tu, T., 2023. Bedrock mediates responses of ecosystem productivity to climate variability. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), p.114.

Diamond, J.S., Pinay, G., Bernal, S., Cohen, M.J., Lewis, D., Lupon, A., Zarnetske, J. and Moatar, F., 2023. Light and hydrologic connectivity drive dissolved oxygen synchrony in stream networks. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(2), pp.322-335.

Kirk, L. and Cohen, M.J., 2023. River Corridor Sources Dominate CO 2 Emissions From a Lowland River Network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(1).


Bernal, S., Cohen, M.J., Ledesma, J.L., Kirk, L., Martí, E. and Lupon, A., 2022. Stream metabolism sources a large fraction of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in two hydrologically contrasting headwater streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(12), pp.2621-2634.

Acharya, S., Kaplan, D.A., McLaughlin, D.L. and Cohen, M.J., 2022. In‐Situ Quantification and Prediction of Water Yield From Southern US Pine Forests. Water Resources Research, 58(5), 2021WR031020.

Bernhardt, E.S., P. Savoy, M.J. Vlah, A.P. Appling, L.E. Koenig, R.O. Hall, M. Arroita, J.R. Blaszczak, A.M. Carter, M.J. Cohen, J.W. Harvey, J.B. Heffernan, A.M. Helton, J.D. Hosen, L. Kirk, W.H. McDowell, E.H. Stanley, C.B. Yakulic and N.B. Grimm. 2022. Light and flow regimes regulate the metabolism of rivers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(8).

Lane, C.R., I.F. Creed, H.E. Golden, S.G. Leibowitz, D.M. Mushet, M.C. Rains, Q. Wu, E. D’Amico, L.C. Alexander, G.A. Ali, N.B. Basu, M.G. Bennett, J.R. Christensen, M.J. Cohen, T.P. Covino, B. DeVries, R.A. Hill, K. Jencso, M.W. Lang, D.L. McLaughlin, D.O. Rosenberry, J. Rover and M.K. Vanderhoof. 2022. Vulnerable waters are essential to watershed resilience. Ecosystems


Diamond, J.S., S. Bernal, A Boukra, M.J. Cohen, D. Lewis, M. Masson, F. Moatar and G. Pinay. 2021. Stream network variation in dissolved oxygen: Metabolism proxies and biogeochemical controls. Ecological Indicators 131:108233

Henshaw, K., A. Bacon, M.J. Cohen, J.G. Vogel, and J.D. Judy. 2021. Subsurface phosphorus fluxes in a well-drained forest soil are small and dominated by paticulates. Soil Science Society of America Journal 85:1299-1310

Hosen, J.D., G.H. Allen, G. Amatuli, S. Breitmeyer, M.J. Cohen, B.C. Crump, Y. Lu, J.P. Payet, B.A. Poulin, A. Stubbins, B. Yoon and P.A. Raymond. 2021. River network travel time is correlated with dissolved organic matter composition in rivers of the contiguous United States. Hydrological Processes 35:e14124

Diamond, J.S. J.M. Epstein, M.J. Cohen, D.L. McLaughlin, Y.H. Hsueh, R.F. Keim, and J.A. Duberstein. 2021. A little relief: Ecological functions and autogenesis of wetland microtopography. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8: e1493

Gomez-Gener, L., G. Rocher-Ros, T. Battin, M.J. Cohen, H. Dalmagro, K.J. Dinsmore, T. Drake, C. Duvert, A. Prast, A. Horgby, M. Johnson, L. Kirk, F. Machado-Silva, N. Marzolf, M.J. McDowell, W.H. McDowell, H. Miettinen, A.K. Ojala, H. Peter, J. Pumpanen, D. Riveros-Iregui, I. Santos, J. Six, E.H. Stanley, M.B. Wallin, S. White and R.A. Sponseller. 2021. Enhanced nocturnal emissions of carbon dioxide amplify the role of streams in the global carbon cycle. Nature Geoscience 14: 289-294

Diamond, J.S., F. Moatar, M.J. Cohen, A. Poirel, C. Martinet, A. Maire, and G. Pinay. 2021. Metabolic regime shifts and ecosystem state changes are decoupled in a large river. Limnology and Oceanography

Savoy, P., E. Bernhardt, L. Kirk, M.J. Cohen, and J.B. Heffernan. 2021. A seasonally dynamic model of light at the stream surface. Freshwater Science 40: 286-301

Henshaw, K., Bacon, A., Cohen, M., Vogel, J. and Judy, J.D., 2021. Subsurface phosphorus fluxes in a well‐drained forest soil are small and dominated by particulates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85(4), pp.1299-1310.


Acharya, S.P, D.L. McLaughlin, D.A. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2020. A proposed method for estimating interception from near-surface soil moisture response. Hydrology and Earth System Science 24:1859-1870

Bergstrom, A., M.N. Gooseff, J.G. Singley, M.J. Cohen, and K.A. Welch. 2020. Nutrient uptake in a supraglacial stream network of an Antarctic glacier. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125(9):e2020JG005679

Hensley, R.T., P.H. Decker, C. Flinders, D.L. McLaughlin, E. Schilling, and M.J. Cohen. Fertilization has negligible effects on nutrient export and stream biota in two North Florida forested watersheds. Forest Ecology and Management 465, 118096

Hensley, R.T., M.J. Spangler, L.F. DeVito, P.H. Decker. M.J. Cohen, and M.N. Gooseff. 2020. Evaluating spatiotemporal variation in water chemistry of the upper Colorado River using longitudinal profiling. Hydrological Processes 34:1782- 1793.

Kirk, L., R.T. Hensley, P. Savoy, J.B. Heffernan and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Estimating benthic light regimes improve predictions of primary production and constrains light use efficiency in streams and rivers. Ecosystems

Klammler, H. C.J. Quintero, J.W. Jawitz, D.L. McLaughlin and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Local storage dynamics of individual wetlands predict wetlandscape discharge. Water Resources Research 56 (11):e2020WR027581

Ward, N.D., T.S. Bianchi, J.B. Martin, C.J. Quintero, H.O. Sawakuchi, and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Pathways for methane emissions and oxidation that influence the net carbon balance of a sub-tropical cypress swamp. Frontiers in Earth Science 8,573

Yuan, J., and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Remote detection of ecosystem degradation in the Everglades ridge-slough landscape. Remote Sensing of Environment. 247, 111917

McBride, J.A. and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Controls on productivity of submerged aquatic vegetation in 2 spring-fed rivers. Freshwater Science 39:1-17

Hensley, R.T. and M.J. Cohen. 2020. Nitrate depletion dynamics and primary production in riverine benthic chambers. Freshwater Science 39:169-182.


Zhang, X., T.S. Bianchi, M.J. Cohen, J.B Martin, C.J. Quintero, A.L. Brown, A.M. Ares, J.B. Heffernan, N. Ward, T.Z. Osborne, M.R. Shields and W.F. Kenney. 2019. Initiation and development of wetlands in southern Florida karst landscape associated with accumulation of organic matter and vegetation evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124:1604-1617

Henson, W.R., M.J. Cohen and W.D. Graham. 2019. Spatially distributed denitrification in a karst springshed. Hydrological Processes 33 (8), 1191-1203

McLaughlin, D.L., J.S. Diamond, C. Quintero, J.B. Heffernan, M.J. Cohen. 2019. Wetland connectivity thresholds and flow dynamics from stage measurements. Water Resources Research 55: 6018-6032

Quintero, C.J. and M.J. Cohen. 2019. Scale‐Dependent Patterning of Wetland Depressions in a Low‐Relief Karst Landscape. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (8), 2101-2117

Buck, D.G., P.C. Esselman, S. Jiang, J.D. Wainwright, M. Brenner and M.J. Cohen. 2019. Seasonal fluxes of Dissolved nutrients in catchments dominated by swidden agriculture in the Maya forest of Belize, Central America. Water 11:664-675

Hensley, R.T., L. Kirk, M. Spangler, M.N. Gooseff and M.J. Cohen. 2019. Flow extremes as spatiotemporal control points on river solute fluxes and metabolism.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124


Hensley, R.T., M.J. Cohen and J.W. Jawitz. 2018. Channel filtering generations multi-fractal solute signals.  Geophysical Research Letters 45:11,722-11,731

Thorslund, J., M.J. Cohen, J.W. Jawitz, G. Destouni, I.F. Creed, M.C. Rains, P. Badiou and J. Jarsjo. 2018. Solute evidence for hydrological connectivity of geographically isolated wetlands.  Land Degradation and Development 29:3954-3962

Dong, X., M.J Cohen, J.B. Martin, D.L. McLaughlin, A.B. Murray, N.D. Ward, M.K. Flint, and J.B. Heffernan. 2018. Ecohydrologic processes and soil thickness feedbacks control limestone-weathering rates in a karst landscape. Chemical Geology  

Chamberlin, C.A., T.S Bianchi, A.L. Brown, M.J. Cohen, X. Dong, M.K. Flint, J.B Martin, D.L McLaughlin, A.B. Murray, A. Pain, C.J. Quintero*, N.D. Ward, X. Zhang and J.B. Heffernan. 2018. Mass balance implies Holocene development of a low-relief karst patterned landscape.  Chemical Geology

Diamond, J.S.*, and M.J. Cohen. 2018. Complex patterns of catchment solute-discharge relationships for coastal plain rivers.  Hydrological Processes 32:388-401

Weinkam, G.B., M.T. Brown, D.A. Kaplan, M.W. Clark and M.J. Cohen. 2018. Fate and transport potential of phosphorus in sandy soils under long-term municipal wastewater irrigation.  Florida Water Resources Journal 69:22-30

Reijo, C.J., Hensley, R.T. and Cohen, M.J., 2018. Isolating stream metabolism and nitrate processing at point-scales, and controls on heterogeneity. Freshwater Science, 37:238-250.

Bernhardt, E.S., J.B. Heffernan, N.B Grimm, E.H. Stanley, J.W. Harvey, M. Arroita, A.P. Appling, M.J. Cohen, W.H. McDowell, R.O. Hall, J.S. Read, B.J. Roberts, E.G. Stets and C.B. Yakulic. 2018. The metabolic regimes of flowing waters.  Limnology and Oceanography 63:S99-S118


Creed, I.F., C.R. Lane, J.N. Serran, L.C. Alexander, N.B. Basu, A.J.K. Calhoun, J.R. Christensen, M.J. Cohen, C. Craft, E. D’Amico, E. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, H.E. Golden, J.W. Jawitz, P. Kalla, L.K. Kirkman, M. Lang, S.G. Leibowitz, D.B. lewis, J. Marton, D.L. McLaughlin, H. Raanan-Kiperwas, M.C. Rains, K.C. Rains, and L. Smith. 2017. Enhancing protection for vulnerable waters.  Nature Geoscience 10:809-815

Thorslund, J., J. Jarsjo, F. Jaramillo, J.W. Jawitz, S. Manzoni, N. Basu, S.R. Chealov, M.J. Cohen, I.F. Creed, R. Goldenberg, A. Hylin, Z. Kalantari, A.D. Koussis, S.W. Lyon, K. Mazi, J. Mard, K. Persson, J. Pietro, C. Prieto, A. Quin, K. van Meter and G. Destouni. 2017. Wetlands are large-scale nature-based solutions:  Status and challenges for research, engineering and management.  Ecological Engineering 108:489-497

Acharya, S.†, D.A. Kaplan, J.W. Jawitz and M.J. Cohen. 2017. Doing ecohydrology backward: Inferring wetland flow and hydroperiod from landscape patterns.  Water Resources Research 53:5742-5755

Hensley, R.T.†, and M.J. Cohen. 2017. Flow reversals as a driver of ecosystem transition in Florida’s springs. Freshwater Science 36:14-25

Hensley, R.T. †, D.L. McLaughlin, M.J. Cohen and P.H. Decker*. 2017. Stream phosphorus dynamics of minimally impacted coastal plain watersheds. Hydrological Processes 31:1636-1649

Yuan, J.* and M.J. Cohen. 2017. Spatial metrics for detecting ecosystem degradation in the ridge slough patterned landscape.  Ecological Indicators 74:427-440


Rode, M., A.J. Wade, M.J. Cohen, R.T. Hensley†, M.J. Bowes, J.W. Kirchner, G.B. Arhonditsis, P. Jordan, B. Kronvang, S.J. Halliday, R.A. Skeffington, J.C. Rozemeijer, A.H. Aubert and K. Rinke. 2016.  Sensors in the Stream: The High Frequency Wave of the Present.  Environmental Science and Technology 50:10297-10307

Vogel, J.W.*, T.Z. Osborne, R.T. James and M.J. Cohen. 2016. Spectral prediction of sediment chemistry in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188:594-606

Casey, S.*, M.J. Cohen, D.A. Kaplan, S. Acharya†, and J.W. Jawitz. 2016. Hydrologic controls on aperiodic spatial organization of the ridge-slough patterned landscape. Hydrologic and Earth System Science 20:4457-4469

Hensley, R.T.†, and M.J. Cohen. 2016. On the emergence of diel signals in flowing waters.  Water Resources Research 52: 10.1002/2015WR017895

Cohen, M.J., I.F. Creed, L.A. Alexander, N.B. Basu, A.K. Calhoun, C.B. Craft, E. D’Amico, E. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, H.E. Golden, J.W. Jawitz, P. Kalla, L.K. Kirkman, C.R. Lane, M. Lang, S.G. Leibowitz, D.B. Lewis, J.M. Marton, D.L. McLaughlin, D.M. Mushet, H. Raanan-Kiperwas, M.C. Rains, L. Smith and S. Walls. 2016. Conserving the landscape continuum: Do geographically isolated wetlands impact landscape functions?  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:1978-1986


Rains, M.C., S.G. Leibowitz, M.J. Cohen, I.F. Creed, H.E. Golden, J.W. Jawitz, P. Kalla, C.R. Lane, M.W. Lang and D.L. McLaughlin. 2015. Geographically isolated wetlands are part of the hydrological landscape.  Hydrological Processes  30:153-160 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10610

Yuan, J.*, M.J. Cohen, D.A. Kaplan, S. Acharya†, L.G. Larsen and M.K. Nungesser. 2016. Linking metrics of landscape pattern to hydrological process in a lotic wetland.  Landscape Ecology 30:1893-1912

Acharya, S.†, D.A. Kaplan, S. Casey*, M.J. Cohen and J.W. Jawitz. 2015. Coupled local facilitation and global hydrologic inhibition drive landscape geometry in a patterned peatland.  Hydrologic and Earth System Science 19:2133-2144

Kurz, M.J*., V. de Montety, J.B. Martin, M.J. Cohen and R.T. Hensley*. 2015. Solute fluxes from the sediments of a spring-fed river: Implications for element budgets and river ecosystems.  Freshwater Science 34:206-221

Mushet, D.M., A.J. Calhoun, L.C. Alexander, M.J. Cohen, E.S. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, C.R. Lane, M.W. Lang, M.C. Rains, and S.C. Walls. 2015. Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Rethinking a Misnomer. Wetlands doi: 10.1007/s13157-015-0631-9

Hensley, R.T.*, M.J. Cohen, and L.V. Korhnak. 2015. Hydraulic effect on nitrogen removal in a tidal spring-fed river.  Water Resources Research 51:1443-1456

Marton, J.M., I.F. Creed, D.B. Lewis, C.R. Lane, N.B. Basu, M.J. Cohen and C.B. Craft. 2015. Geographically isolated wetlands are important biogeochemical reactors in the landscape.  BioScience doi: 10.1093/biosci/biv009


Watts, A.C., D.L. Watts*, M.J. Cohen, J.B. Heffernan, D.L. McLaughlin†, J.B. Martin, D.A. Kaplan, T.Z. Osborne and L. Kobziar. 2014. Evidence of biogeomorphic patterning in a low-relief karst landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39:2027-2037

Nifong, R.L.*, M.J. Cohen and W.P. Cropper. 2014. Homeostasis and nutrient limitation of benthic autotrophs in natural chemostats.  Limnology and Oceanography 59:2101-2111

Liebowitz, D.M.*, M.J. Cohen, J.B. Heffernan, L.V. Korhnak and T.K. Frazer. 2014. Environmentally-mediated consumer control of algal proliferation in Florida springs.  Freshwater Biology 59:2009-2023

McLaughlin, D.L. †, D.A. Kaplan and M.J. Cohen. 2014. A significant nexus: Geographically isolated wetland influence landscape hydrology. Water Resources Research 50:7153-7166

McLaughlin, D.L. †, M.L.C. Mazur, D.A. Kaplan and M.J. Cohen. 2014. Estimating effective specific yield in inundated conditions: a comment on a recent application.  Ecohydrology 7:1245-1247

Hensley, R.T.*, M.J. Cohen, and L.V. Korhnak. 2014. Inferring nitrogen removal in large rivers from high resolution longitudinal profiling.  Limnology and Oceanography 59:1152-1170

King, S.A.*, J.B. Heffernan and M.J. Cohen. 2014. Nutrient flux, uptake and autotrophic limitation in streams and rivers.  Freshwater Science 33:85-98

McLaughlin, D.L. †, and M.J. Cohen. 2014. Ecosystem specific yield for estimating evapotranspiration and groundwater exchange from diel surface water variation.  Hydrological Processes 28:1495-1506


Cohen, M. J., Kurz, M. J.*, Heffernan, J. B., Martin, J. B., Douglass*, R. L., Foster, C. R., and Thomas, R. G. (2013). Diel phosphorus variation and the stoichiometry of ecosystem metabolism in a large spring-fed river. Ecological Monographs 83, 155-176.

Deimeke, E.*, Cohen, M. J., and Reiss, K. C. (2013). Temporal stability of vegetation indicators of wetland condition. Ecological Indicators 34, 69-75.

Kurz, M. J.*, de Montety, V., Martin, J. B., Cohen, M. J., and Foster, C. R. (2013). Controls on diel metal cycles in a biologically productive carbonate-dominated river. Chemical Geology 358, 61-74.

McLaughlin, D. L. †, and Cohen, M. J. (2013). Realizing ecosystem services: Wetland hydrologic function along a gradient of ecological condition. Ecological Applications 23, 1619-1631.

McLaughlin, D.L. †, D.R. Kaplan† and M.J. Cohen. 2013. Managing forests for increased regional water yield.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49:953-965

Heffernan, J.B., D.L. Watts*, and M.J. Cohen. 2013. Discharge Competence and Pattern Formation in Peatlands: a meta-ecosystem model of the Everglades Ridge-Slough landscape.  PLoS1  8(5): e64174. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064174


Cohen, M.J., J.B. Heffernan, A. Albertin† and J.B. Martin. 2012. Inference of Riverine Nitrogen Processing from Longitudinal and Diel Variation in Dual Nitrate Isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 117(G1), G01021

Hensley, R.T.*, and M.J. Cohen. 2012. Controls on Solute Transport in Large Spring Fed Rivers.  Limnology and Oceanography 57:912

Kaplan, D.A.†, R. Paudel, M.J. Cohen and J.W. Jawitz. 2012. Orientation Matters: Patch Anisotropy Controls Discharge Competence and Hydroperiod in a Patterned Peatland.  Geophysical Research Letters 39 (17), L17401

McLaughlin, D.L. †, and M.J. Cohen. 2012. Ecosystem specific yield for estimating evapotranspiration and groundwater exchange from diel surface water variation. Hydrological Processes doi:10.1002/hyp.9672

Liebenow, D.K.*, M.J. Cohen, T. Gumbricht, K.D. Shepherd and G. Shepherd. 2012. Do ecosystem services influence household wealth in rural Mali?  Ecological Economics 82:33-44

Heffernan, J.B., A.R. Albertin†, M.L. Fork, B.G. Katz and M.J. Cohen. 2012. Denitrification and inference of nitrogen sources in the karstic Floridan Aquifer.  Biogeosciences 9:1671-1690


McLaughlin, D.L†. and M.J. Cohen. 2011. Thermal Artifacts in Measurements of Fine Scale Water Level Variation.  Water Resources Research 47: 3 PP., 2011 doi:10.1029/2010WR010288

McLaughlin, D.L†, M.T. Brown and M.J. Cohen. 2011. The Ecohydrology of a pioneer wetland species and a drastically altered landscape.  Ecohydrology. doi: 10.1002/eco.253

De Montety, V., J.B. Martin, M.J. Cohen, C. Foster and M.J. Kurz. 2011. Influence of diel biogeochemical cycles on carbonate equilibrium in a karst river.  Chemical Geology 283:31-43

Cohen, M.J., D.L. Watts*, J.B. Heffernan† and T.Z. Osborne. 2011. Reciprocal Biotic Control on Hydrology, Nutrient Gradients and Landform in the Greater Everglades.  Critical Reviews in Environmental Sciences 35:392-409

Osborne, T.Z., S. Newman, P.I. Kalla, G.L. Bruland, M.J. Cohen, L.J. Scinto and L.R. Ellis. 2011. Landscape patterns of significant soil nutrients and contaminants in the Greater Everglades ecosystem: Past, present and future. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41:121-148


Watts, D.L.*, M.J. Cohen, J.B. Heffernan†, and T.Z. Osborne. 2010. Hydrologic modification and loss of self-organized patterning in the Everglades ridge-slough mosaic.  Ecosystems 13:813-827

Heffernan, J.B. †, and M.J. Cohen. 2010. Direct and indirect coupling of primary production and diel nitrate dynamics in a sub-tropical spring fed river. Limnology and Oceanography 55:677-688

Heffernan, J.B. †, D.M. Liebowitz*, T.K. Frazer, J.M. Evans and M.J. Cohen. 2010. Algal blooms and the nitrogen-enrichment hypothesis in Florida springs: Evidence, alternatives and adaptive management.  Ecological Applications 20:816-829

Heffernan, J.B.†, M.J. Cohen, T.K. Frazer, R.G. Thomas, T.J. Rayfield, J. Gulley, J.B. Martin, J.J. Delfino and W.D. Graham. 2010. Hydrologic and biotic influences on nitrate removal in a subtropical spring-fed river. Limnology and Oceanography 55:249-263


Brown, M.T., M.J. Cohen and S. Sweeney. 2009. Predicting national sustainability: The convergence of energetic, economic and environmental realities.  Ecological Modelling 220:3424-3438

Krediet, C.J., K.B. Ritchie, M.J. Cohen, E.K. Lipp, K. Patterson-Sutherland and M. Teplitski. 2009. Utilization of mucus from the Coral Acropora palmate by the Pathogen Serratia marcescens and by environmental and coral commensal bacteria.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:3851-3858

Evans, J.M.† and M.J. Cohen. 2009. Regional water resource implication of bioethanol production in the Southeastern United States.  Global Change Biology 15:2261-2273

Fraulo A.*, M.J. Cohen and O. Liburd. 2009. Visible/near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectroscopy for detecting Two-spotted Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) Damage in Strawberries.  Environmental Entomology 38:137-142

Cohen, M.J., S. Lamsal†, T.Z. Osborne, J.C. Bonzongo, K.R. Reddy and S. Newman. 2009. Soil Total Mercury Concentrations Across the Greater Everglades.  Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:675-685


Romanelli, T.*, M.J. Cohen, M. Milan and M.T. Brown. 2008. Emergy synthesis of intensive eucalyptus cultivation in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Forest Science 54:228-241

Cohen, M.J., E.J. Dunne and G.L. Bruland. 2008. Spatial Structure of Isolated Forested Wetland Soils and Implications for Sampling Design and Condition Assessment. Wetlands 28:34-49


Cohen, M.J., M.W.Clark and J. Paris*. 2007. Determination of phosphorus sorption capacity in wetland soils using NIR spectroscopy. Wetlands 27:1098-1111

Cohen, M.J., R. Mylavarapu, I. Bogrecki* and D. Lee. 2007. Reflectance spectroscopy for routine agronomic soil analyses. Soil Science 172:469-485

Roth, B.E.*, K.C. Slatton and M.J. Cohen. 2007. On the potential for high-resolution lidar to improve rainfall interception estimates in forest ecosystems.  Frontiers in Ecology & Environment 5:421-428

Cohen, M.J. and M.T. Brown. 2007. A Model of hierarchical wetland networks for watershed stormwater management. Ecological Modelling 201:179-193


Brown, M.T., M.J. Cohen, E. Bardi*, and W. Ingwersen*. 2006. A systems approach to biodiversity. Aquatic Sciences 68:254-277

Cohen, M.J., S. Dabral*, W.D. Graham, J.P. Prenger and W.F. Debusk. 2006. Evaluating ecological condition using soil biogeochemical parameters and near infrared reflectance spectra. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116:427-447.


Cohen, M.J., J.P. Prenger and W.F. DeBusk. 2005. Visible-near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for rapid, non-destructive assessment of wetland soil quality. J. of Environ. Qual. 34:1422-1434


Cohen, M.J., K.D. Shepherd and M.G. Walsh. 2004. Empirical reformulation of the Universal Soil Loss Equation for erosion risk assessment in a tropical watershed. Geoderma 124:235-252

Cohen, M.J., S. Carstenn and C.R. Lane. 2004. Floristic quality indices for biotic assessment of depressional marsh condition in Florida.  Ecological Applications 14:784-794